Saturday, October 27, 2007

Teen challenges moment-of-silence law

"CHICAGO - A 14-year-old girl and her outspoken atheist father filed a federal lawsuit Friday challenging a new Illinois law requiring a brief period of prayer or reflective silence at the start of every school day."

I did not even though they were forcing our kids to have a moment of silence in schools, but sure seems like a waste of time to me. Can't kids that want to pray do it at home??

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Naomi Wolf speaks at the U. of Washington

I don't know about you, but I am getting really sick of watching the Democrats roll over for Bush. It is almost one year after we elected them to end the war, and we have more troops in Iraq then ever. They passed the Kyl-Lieberman crap and have approved all the funding for the war that Bush has asked for. Nancy Pelosi even asked Rep. Stark to apologize to Bush for being too hard on him. Why are they doing this???? I don't know - but I do know we better be contacting Rep. Costello, Sen. Durbin and Sen. Obama to let the know we are concerned. In addition to watching this video on the "youtubes", you may want to pick up Naomi Klein's book - Shock Doctrine. Consider it a "Naomi" 3some.... :-)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mike Papantonio on Young Republicans

This will get you rolling on the floor laughing....

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Belleville Dem's Fall Schedule

Check out the updated schedule of events for this fall at the Belleville Democratic Club web site!