Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama at the Edward Jones Dome

You can sign up here.

Bush Screws Illinois and the Environment

From Thinkprogress:

24 Hours After Touting Clean Coal In SOTU, White House Drops Ambitious Clean Coal Project

Just 24 hours after his SOTU declaration, Bush’s Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman indicated the White House was pulling the plug on the ambitious FutureGen project, a clean coal plant that was touted as “the cleanest fossil fuel fired power plant in the world.”

Friday, January 25, 2008

Costello's Pick For President

Costellos split on primary choice: She backs Clinton; he backs Obama

From The Belleville News Democrat

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Contempt citations on hold as Dems, Bush craft stimulus plan

From Rawstory:

"The planned citations now appear to be on hold as Congress and the White House work on a bipartisan economic stimulus package, the central tenet of which involves cutting virtually everyone an $800 check."

I don't know if anyone in Washington has noticed, but this economic disaster has been on the horizon for sometime now. It was the direct result of the one person the Congressional Democrats are now too busy to hold accountable for all of Bush's misdeeds that caused this mess.... There is a very good movie that predicted this whole mess called Maxed Out. You can see it here. When are these Democrats going to grow a spine.... By the way - Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Edwards all voted for the bankruptcy bill that basically enslaved the people of this country into a debtors prison. At least John Edwards has admitted it was a mistake. I am sure that $800 check will make it all better for us....

Study: Bush, Other Officials Issued Hundreds of False Statements Before Iraq Invasion

935 Lies to be precise...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Wow.... At least Nixon had the balls to have a hand picked stooge do all the pardoning.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Shimkus holds drive to collect valentines for injured Illinois troops

I saw this in the Belleville News Democrat today and almost blew coffee out of my nose. I think our troops might prefer to come home rather then getting a freaking valentine from John Shimkus.

By the way - I would like to also note that a received a very thoughtful comment from the Green Party candidate, Rodger Jennings, which I did not get posted until today. I appreciate the feedback, but still feel that Jerry Costello is far and away a better representive then right wing tools like Shimkus, which is what we would end up with by splitting the votes on the left. But good on Mr. Jennings for getting involved.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 2008 Schedule

The January 2008 schedule of events for the Belleville Democrats is posted on their web site. You can view it here.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Edwards on Iraq

Need a reason to vote for Edwards in the primaries??

Edwards Calls for Quick End to Training Effort in Iraq

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — John Edwards says that if elected president he would withdraw the American troops who are training the Iraqi army and police as part of a broader plan to remove virtually all American forces within 10 months.