More on the GOP child sex scandal:
Rep. Foley Quits In Page Scandal
Hopefully this will spell the end for Shimkus and Hastert.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
More on the GOP child sex scandal
Posted by
6:27 PM
Shimkus Involved in Gay Child Sex Cover Up
I saw this over on AmericaBlog:
Shimkus Involved in Gay Child Sex Cover Up
I hope the good people in Madison and Clinton County do not re-elect this creep!! This whole sex scandal started back in 2005 - yet Shimkus kept his mouth shut about it...
Posted by
8:27 AM
Friday, September 29, 2006
Danny Stover Info
A note from David Kiley. Keep in mind, this is for Clinton County too:
Here is a link to a flyer for Danny Stover (Il-19 Congressional candidate).
If you live in or near Collinsville, Springfield or Mt. Vernon,
pleast print, post and distribute copies where ever you can.
If you don't live near any of these towns, print the donation page and send a contribution.
Danny needs all of our help in these few final weeks to stop Bush by defeating Shimkus.
David Kiley
Posted by
4:45 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
McCoy Is a Lying Sack of Crap
"I'm coming to this briefing to underscore how important I think this subject is. I believe that the Bush Administration will spend more time on terrorism generally, and on al-Qaeda specifically, than any other subject."
— Clinton National Security Adviser SANDY BERGER, to Condi Rice, January 2001
And then there is this:
Clarke's memo, described below, "urgently" requested a high-level National Security Council review on al-Qaeda and included two attachments: a declassified December 2000 "Strategy for Eliminating the Threat from the Jihadist Networks of al-Qida [sic]: Status and Prospects" and the September 1998 "Pol-Mil Plan for al-Qida," the so-called Delenda Plan, which remains classified.
They never had a meeting - Bush could not bother. I am sure he had vacations to attend to. That is fine Glenn, just make stuff - no one at the News Democrat cares....
Posted by
7:13 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The News Democrat has hit a new low!! (and that was a low bar)
The op-ed section of the News Democrat has hit a new low. It has become a mouth piece for knuckle dragging cretins. Today the first bit of wisdom came from someone from Lenzburg. That person stated:
"I have watched this great President battle Democrats and terrorists to keep this country safe."
I guess he has to "battle Democrats and terrorists" because they are pretty much the same thing. Apparently in Lenzburg they have not read the rehashed (from 2004) intel report which states that what Bush is doing is actually making things worse. I guess people in Lenzburg know more then the CIA.
Iraq is 'cause celebre' for extremists
And then, of course, there is a political wizard declaring they are disgusted with "Dick Turbin" because he is so desperate for power, he is willing to throw in with the terrorists, as if this would be some brilliant political strategy on his part.
The question I have is "How does crap like this end up in my paper?" Does the Jeff Couch, who is the executive editor, really think that this is the type of political discourse we should be promoting in our community?? I know they get lots of well written, thoughtful letters offering alternative opinions. I know because I write them and he deletes them. I would guess there are some he gets from Republicans that are well written, perhaps promoting fiscal responsibility. But he chooses these for our paper. The media control by the right wing has got to end, because this kind of garbage will do nothing other then promote ignorance.
Posted by
7:05 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Bush dismisses bloodshed in Iraq as ‘just a comma’
I saw this over on Crooks and liars:
Iraq bloodshed as ‘just a comma’
I would think this is quite an insult to those that lost children or family in Iraq. They are just a comma. I would hope if I have a loved one blown to pieces to go find non-existent weapons of mass destruction they would be a more important semaphore - like maybe a period or an exclamation point.
Posted by
7:52 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Deal on detainee treatment quells GOP revolt
I saw this over on CNN:
GOP Reaches Deal On Torture
I find it disgusting that the level of political discourse has lowered to the point where we are trying to figure out what kind of torture is ok. Is this really what is most important for us? Not the deficit? Not health care?? Not jobs?? We need to vote these bums out.
Posted by
8:59 AM
Friday, September 22, 2006
Bush Compound At Kennebunkport Could Be Submerged By Global Warming
How ironic:
Bush Family Compound At Kennebunkport Could Be Submerged By Global Warming
I suppose the Bush twins will have enough cash to buy something that is on a little higher ground - once they get that "death tax" repealed.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tea-Bag Mail Protest Worries Post Office
ST. LOUIS (AP) - Illinois' lieutenant governor is urging people to mail tea bags to two electric utilities to protest rate increases - an idea that leaves the post office cold.
The Postal Service on Wednesday encouraged people to make their point instead with empty tea bags, saying lumpy bags could harm its equipment and create security scares by leaking brown residue.
Quote of the Day
"I'm sick of Karl Rove's bullshit."
-- Bill Clinton
Posted by
9:41 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Topinka focuses on women's health
I just about choked on my coffee when I saw this in the local paper:
Topinka focuses on women's health
It seems to me the Republicans are the ones that want pharmacy's to have a choice on which medication they can dispense to women - because they care so much... What a bunch of hypocrites.
From the Sun Times:
"Conservatives have opposed easier access to the morning-after pill for numerous reasons. Some equate it to early abortion, although research indicates the medication works mainly by delaying ovulation and won't do anything if a woman is already pregnant."
Posted by
7:23 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Every Now and then - Bush Speaks the Truth
"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."
Interview with Katie Couric (CBS News), White House, Sep. 6, 2006
Posted by
10:00 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
9/11 - It was all Clinton's Fault
I had a discussion with Gene Robke this morning (he is a frequent contributor to the Belleville News Democrat). He pointed out that although the right wing Clinton bashers are all on the bandwagon now trying to blame Clinton for 9/11. History tells a different story. When Clinton was trying to pass anti-terror legislation, the GOP was trying to stonewall it.
Republicans Sabotaged Clinton's Anti-Terror Efforts
In August 1998, when [Clinton] ordered missile strikes in an effort to kill Osama bin Laden, there was widespread speculation - from such people as Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) - that he was acting precipitously to draw attention away from the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, then at full boil. Some said he was mistaken for personalizing the terrorism struggle so much around bin Laden. And when he ordered the closing of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House after domestic terrorism in Oklahoma City, some Republicans accused him of hysteria.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Diebold Voting Machines
This should be a concern in St. Clair County because of the "Help America Vote Act". The County uses Diebold machines now, but only to supplement the other machines. I believe the ones the County was forced to install by the HAVA are not the AccuVote-TS voting machine - but I will look into it more. The analysis that is done in this video is extremely credible. Ed Felten worked on this research. He is faculty at Princeton University and has been a very well respected computer security expert for years. He has written several books on computer security. I would recommend everyone absolutely refuse to vote using anything made by Diebold.
Update: The machines we are using are the AccuVote-OS - made by none other then Diebold.... Arrrgggggghhh!!!!
Posted by
6:59 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
More Disgusting Cartoons From the BND
The intent of this blog was not to rail on the Belleville News Democrat or Glenn McCoy. It seems the closer it gets to the election, the more they both want to slime Democrats by declaring them bed fellows with the terrorists. Once again McCoy has not let us down. Now we are actually dating Bin Laden.
Dating Bin Laden
Not only that - but when that dirty Bill Clinton was in office - he was too busy with Monica to bother with Bin Laden. Well - it seems to me when Clinton was lobbing cruise missiles into Afghanistan, the right wing echo chamber was screaming "wag the dog - no war for Monica". Meanwhile, when Bush was briefed on August 6th, 2001, that "Osama Bin Laden Determined to Strike With In The US", he could not even bother to cut his vacation short. Then again, he could not do that for Katrina either so no big surprise.
So Glenn - screw you. Democrats are not terrorists, we are the ones trying to take them out.
Incidentally, on the morning of September 11th, 2001, what was Bush Sr. doing??
Posted by
7:42 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
On The 9/11 Disaster
In case you missed Keith Olbermann's commentary last night
Not much more to add after that.
Posted by
9:39 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
McCoy's Sickening Cartoon
After reading today's Belleville News Democrat, it is clear where Glenn and, by virtue of the fact that they pay him (although I am sure it can't be that much), the Belleville News Democrats stands when it comes to their opinion of what Democrats in this country represent. McCoy and the BND did a cartoon that depicted a depressed donkey - representing a Democrat, sad that he could not raise money for the "terrorist legal defense fund" while sitting in front of the demolished World Trade Center. The right wing windbags in this country have finally resorted to claiming that the Democrats and the terrorist are actually one in the same. There could be nothing more offensive, and nothing further from the truth. McCoy and the rest of the right wing hacks that he parrots are reaching the bottom of the barrel in their attempt to demonize the Democrats. I refuse to lower my level of political discourse to such a sewer. And I refuse to repost his disgusting cartoon. Just try and recognize what the political right is doing here - they are trying to make Democrats and terrorists one and the same - so maybe they can just outlaw all political dissent, or maybe even the party itself - after all, they are terrorist lovers right?? Well, Democrats are not terrorists lovers. Most thinking, reasoning people realize this (apparently McCoy does not fall in that category). Democrats are your sons, your daughters, your neighbors, your co-workers. They support the military, they support the troops, they pay taxes, build buildings, go to church and teach your children. They are not terrorists and they don't support any kind of terrorism. The fact that this kind of accusation is even thrown around, and on the 5 year anniversary of September 11 no less, is a clear indication that the political right in this country has no limits on the depth to which they will sink to try to stay in office.
You can go see McCoy's sickening cartoon here - try not to vomit on your computer.
There is a much better tribute to 9/11 here
Posted by
7:41 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Bill names courthouse for Limbaugh Sr.
Legislation has been introduced into the U.S. Senate proposing to name Cape Girardeau's new federal courthouse after the late Rush H. Limbaugh Sr.
"It is only fitting that the new federal courthouse in Cape Girardeau be named after this great hero of American jurisprudence," U.S. Sen. Kit Bond said in a joint news release with U.S. Sen. Jim Talent. The two senators introduced the legislation Thursday.
Sen. Talent shows his colors
The citizens of Cape Girardeau must be proud....
Posted by
3:42 PM
Glenn McCoy's Insightful Cartoons
It is always great to get up on a Sunday morning and read Glenn McCoy's insightful cartoons. Today he was thoughtful enough to point out that the "liberal main stream media" really ought apologize to poor old Karl Rove for implicating him in the CIA leak case. Never mind the fact that he is so wrapped up in the scandal he had testify to a grand jury no less then 5 times. Never mind that fact that he was intimately involved in the campaign to smear Joe Wilson by outing his CIA wife (who was trying to get intel on Iraq and WMD). Never mind the fact that Karl Rove has made a career out of sliming Democrats and that entire books have been published describing his political dirty tricks. But because he somehow managed to escape indictment (so far anyway) - they should apologize. Thanks for highlighting this huge injustice Glenn, you are truly a treasure for our county and the Belleville News Democrat. (Dear god - someone take away Glenn's crayon!!)
Posted by
11:13 AM
In a Pivotal Year, GOP Plans to Get Personal
Republicans are planning to spend the vast majority of their sizable financial war chest over the final 60 days of the campaign attacking Democratic House and Senate candidates over personal issues and local controversies, GOP officials said.
GOP Plans to Get Personal
Oh goody - they are all about substance. After all, with 2 wars in progress and the biggest deficit in the history of the nation, this is what we need to focus on...
Posted by
10:18 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Illinois Guard faces equipment problems
Five years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that struck the East Coast, the Illinois National Guard does not have all the equipment it deems necessary to rapidly respond to a disaster at home. Far from it. Called to duty by President Bush to help fight the global war against terrorism, Illinois guardsmen have left more than $40 million of equipment in war-torn Iraq.
Illinois Guard faces equipment problems
Posted by
8:56 AM
Gov. Ryan Sentenced
Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan, promoted as a Nobel Peace Prize candidate for his vigorous opposition to capital punishment, was sentenced to 6-1/2 years in prison on Wednesday for corrupt dealings while in office.
Aren't the Republicans just grand
Posted by
8:15 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Good News - Poll shows Blagojevich leading his challengers
We are still a couple months out - but this is a good sign.
Blagojevich leading
Posted by
10:18 PM
Former Gov. Ryan Out Polls Bush, Even While Awaiting Sentence
I saw this over on the St. Louis Post web site. Amazing...
Ryan out polls Bush
Posted by
9:59 PM