Thursday, September 28, 2006

McCoy Is a Lying Sack of Crap

"I'm coming to this briefing to underscore how important I think this subject is. I believe that the Bush Administration will spend more time on terrorism generally, and on al-Qaeda specifically, than any other subject."
— Clinton National Security Adviser SANDY BERGER, to Condi Rice, January 2001

And then there is this:

Clarke's memo, described below, "urgently" requested a high-level National Security Council review on al-Qaeda and included two attachments: a declassified December 2000 "Strategy for Eliminating the Threat from the Jihadist Networks of al-Qida [sic]: Status and Prospects" and the September 1998 "Pol-Mil Plan for al-Qida," the so-called Delenda Plan, which remains classified.

They never had a meeting - Bush could not bother. I am sure he had vacations to attend to. That is fine Glenn, just make stuff - no one at the News Democrat cares....

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