Saturday, July 07, 2007

John Shimkus on Democracy

From the Springfield IL. paper:

U.S. Rep. John Shimkus said Monday that while he is “a democracy guy,” he’s not sure Iraq is ready for American-style government.

“In some of these countries where they are having some Islamic presence, is it better to have a constitutional monarchy, with a very strong, powerful king, and maybe a dictator who is trying to move a little bit to democratic principles, versus just throwing the door open and pushing full-blown democratic principles, which could destabilize the country?” Shimkus said during a discussion with the editorial board of The State Journal-Register.

How can the people in Southern Illinois keep voting for this tool?? He might as well just openly run as a supporter of tyrannical despots... Something tells me the hicks in rural areas would still vote for him as long as he protected the rights of a glob of cells in a petri dish. I am sure all of our soldiers are glad to know they are fighting to get "a strong, powerful king" installed in Iraq. Preferably one that used to work for the CIA, I am sure.

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