Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Highlights From the Week

- Senate Republican's filibuster a bill with a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, but the Senate approves a condemnation of's ad

- Senate Republican's filibuster a bill to give troops a state side tour as long as their tour in Iraq

- House passes a bill for health care for children, Shimkus votes against it, Bush vows to veto it (Shimkus apparently loves a 4 cell zygote more then a sick 4 year old)

- Senate passes a bill that designates Iran's military a terrorist organization, Hillary votes for it, hell Durbin votes for it just hours after going on a rant against about how bad it is... (God help us all when WWIII breaks out after Cheney attacks Iran)

- House passes a bill condemning's ad that pointed out Petraeus is being used as a political tool to read the White House "report" on how well the surge is going... - Jerry Costello votes for it.... (WTF?!?!?!?!)

Jerry, Dick - you got some splainin to do.....

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