Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bush Screws Illinois and the Environment

From Thinkprogress:

24 Hours After Touting Clean Coal In SOTU, White House Drops Ambitious Clean Coal Project

Just 24 hours after his SOTU declaration, Bush’s Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman indicated the White House was pulling the plug on the ambitious FutureGen project, a clean coal plant that was touted as “the cleanest fossil fuel fired power plant in the world.”


John said...

Cancelling Future Gen is not necessarily a bad thing. From the mine to the fire, coal is dirty every step of the way. The money would be better spent on non-polluting sources of energy such as solar, wind, hydro, and bio-fuels.

Chuck said...

I do not disagree, however we will not get there tomorrow. I definitely do not think there is anything wrong with trying to clean up the coal that we will be using for as long as we need it. It should be pretty clear to anyone that the right wing tools (that dismantled the solar panels from the White House) are not the ones that will fix anything.

John said...

Future Gen is not a bad idea, but it wouldn't have been implemented properly under the current administration. It would have been hugely expensive, and the benefits probably wouldn't have justified the cost. We need to spend less on fossil fuels and more on renewables. That would be real progress, much better than throwing money down a rat hole. There have been breakthroughs in solar photovoltaics (Google Nanosolar). We should be building on that, and sharing our knowledge with the rest of the world. Instead, we're falling behind, and continuing to destroy our planet. Sadly, candidates on both sides of the isle don't seem to grasp the urgency of the situation. But still, no one could possibly be more of an environmental disaster than "W" has been. So I guess there is hope.