Sunday, December 17, 2006

Iraq is Out of Control

Things just keep going from bad to worse in Iraq. Meanwhile Bush continues to just ignore the dire situation, and nut jobs like McCain and Lieberman think we need to actually send more troops to Iraq. We can only hope that McCain is the Republican nominee in '08 - that would assure a Democratic victory in the presidential race....

1 comment:

juandos said...

Well as usual little Chuckie is banging his head on a brick wall in hopes of getting a bit of reality to seep in between his ears...

Dire situation in Iraq, eh?

I beg to differ...

"Chocolate City's Violent Deaths Surpass Iraq in 2006!"

Guess what little Chuckie, nit-wit Nagin is also a member of the party of the Seditious & Sleazy...LOL!

You socialists just can't do anything right...LOL!