Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Call my travel agent; There is an election coming"

I saw this great story in a Phoenix paper (from 1992!!). Well worth a read. From the article:

"Any time McCain feels threatened, he makes a well-publicized trip back to Vietnam to search for missing prisoners of war. Friends say McCain undergoes a knee-jerk reaction each time he hears about Claire Sargent's growing strength in the current senatorial campaign. McCain grabs a telephone, calls his campaign manager and orders that more time be purchased on all TV stations around the state to run the commercial about his being a prisoner. Ever since his involvement with Charlie Keating came to light, McCain has become a virtual commuter to the Far East. There are no constituents out there. But the mere fact of his flying across the ocean wins votes in Arizona."

Why is this not in the national news?? Oh - I forgot - they are too busy playing clips of Obama's crazy preacher....

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