Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dems Fund More War
Reading headlines like this is getting old...
Posted by
8:38 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Southwestern Illinois Networking Group
“Rules of the Game: An Overview of the Presidential Nominating Process.”
Dr. Barb Brown, Dept. of Political Science, SIUC, and 12th CD
Democratic State Central Committeewoman.
Start: 01/05/2008 - 9:30am
End: 01/05/2008 - 12:00pm
Cost: free
Group: Democratic Women (SWING)Southwestern Illinois Networking Group
Address: IBEW Local 309, 2000A Mall Street, Rte. 157, Collinsville, Illinois 62234
More Information is available here.
Posted by
4:24 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Open Letter to the Green Party Candidate for IL-12
Hi Rodger,
I saw your letter in the Belleville News Democrat today, and would like to pass on a couple of thoughts. First of all, I admire the goals of the Green Party, as do most progressive Democrats. There are many of us that feel that the two party system leaves us with too little diversity in our political system. However, I would, point out that in the absence of instant run off voting, it is impossible to get third parties on the ballot with out completely throwing elections to a minority party. Republicans use third parties, such as the Green Party, as a means for dividing the progressive votes to get their candidates elected. In some cases they even provide funding for Green Party candidates to win elections with out the support of the majority of voters.
Jerry Costello has an incredibly progressive voting record. He consistently votes in the best interest of the working people of Southern Illinois and the environment. Clearly the progressive agenda would be much better served by focusing collective energy on elections such as IL-19, where John Shimkus is currently serving serving as the congressional representative. He has been a rubber stamp for the worst president we have had in the history of our nation. (Coincidently, Bush was able to challenge the elections in Florida and eventually get appointed President precisely because the Green Party was able to divide the vote in the 2000 presidential elections) There are many other issues that should be considered much higher priority when compared to trying to unseat Rep. Costello. For Example:
- Getting corporate money out of elections with public funding
- Incorporate instant run off voting into elections
- Better regulate the media so it is not so completely unbalanced
- Start a third party for the evangelical Christians
- Start a third party that runs on an anti-immigrant, anti-homosexual, anti-corporation platform
- Get rid of electronic voting machines
- Raise awareness of the Republican practice of voter caging
- Focus on preventing right wing zealots from getting elected rather then running against progressive Democrats
I wish you luck in your campaign for 2008, and should you choose to join the Democrats in the struggle to get our country back, I am sure that you would be welcome to join us!
Best Regards,
Posted by
9:26 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Bush Nears a Victory Over Spying Powers
December 17, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The Senate appears poised to hand the White House another victory with a measure that would make permanent an expansion of government spy powers and shield phone companies from liability for assisting government eavesdropping.
This Youtube video seems to be pretty appropriate today...
Update: Sen. Dodd was able to stop this awful telecom legislation. What a great example he is for the Democrats! Tell them what you think:
And to support the other Democrat with a spine:
Posted by
9:15 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Shimkus Votes Against Ban on Torture
Who can't get behind a little torture during the holiday season!
House Passes Ban On Waterboarding
Shimkus and 198 of his closest friends voted against it. The actual vote count can be found here. How can these guys possibly get re-elected??
Update: There will be no ban on torture. Lindsay Graham doesn't want a ban on it. That's odd, one single Senator can block this legislation, but the entire Democratic majority in the Senate can not seem to block the bill that gives telecoms immunity from spying on us. I am having a hard time understanding why our nationally elected Democrats think we will continue to support them....
Posted by
9:53 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Perino: I Didn't Know What The Cuban Missile Crisis Was
This is truly astonishing... It hard to believe someone this astoundingly ignorant could be in a position of power... And this happened the same week we found out the Intel community estimates Iran's nuke program ended in 2003 and Bush's CIA is racing to destroy evidence of war crimes. There is no end to this stream of corruption and incompetence. I wanted to hear more about all of these amazing stories, so I turned on CNN. All they were talking about were some naked guys shopping for skittles and a weird long eared mouse that was filmed in the desert.
Posted by
3:38 PM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
There has been quite a bit of chatter in the blogosphere about HR 1955, widely referred to as "the thought crime bill". Most objections to the bill point out that it is using the guise of security from terrorism to lead us one step closer to fascism. Many on both the right and the left of the isle have pointed this out. Surprisingly, it passed in the house 404-6 and will be moving on to the Senate. One of the few Congressmen to vote against this awful piece of legislation (which you can read here) was our own Rep. Costello. Here is the map that depicts the congressional districts that voted against the bill:
Thanks to Rep. Costello for voting against this despite the fact that he was in a very small minority, right along side Rep. Dennis Kucinich. It takes a lot of courage to vote your conscious, instead of following the rest of the party blindly. If we could just get him to sign on to impeach Dick Cheney......
Posted by
4:48 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
CNN on The Democrats Debate
You think CNN might be a little biased??
Posted by
8:00 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Lyin' Scotty McLellan Has a Coming Out
Former Aide Blames Bush for Leak Deceit
Who could have believed he was lying about Valerie Plame??? I suppose all the right wing tools that wrote in to the Belleville News Democrat defending Bush on this one will be sending letters describing how stupid they feel.... But I won't hold my breath...
Posted by
10:37 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
House Democrats Pretend to Order Bush out of Iraq
Of course - the legislation is non-binding... They can't even bother to pass one that actually does something real... And of course, all of the media is running headlines like this:
House defies Bush and approves Iraq troop withdrawal
They almost make it sounds like the dems have a spine - but we know they don't.
Posted by
6:52 AM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Who Can't Get Behind Dems Now
They got us a new torture czar!
Hillary, Dodd and our own Sen. Obama did not even bother to vote on this. At some point they need to understand - we are not supporting them because they have a D after their name - we support them because they will do the right thing. So much for that.
Part 2
Part 3
So - they did not end the war, they did not end torture, they vote for tools like Mukasey, they refuse to impeach war criminals, they extend Bush's spying program... And I support Democrats because of what??
Posted by
8:12 AM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Teen challenges moment-of-silence law
"CHICAGO - A 14-year-old girl and her outspoken atheist father filed a federal lawsuit Friday challenging a new Illinois law requiring a brief period of prayer or reflective silence at the start of every school day."
I did not even though they were forcing our kids to have a moment of silence in schools, but sure seems like a waste of time to me. Can't kids that want to pray do it at home??
Posted by
3:52 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Naomi Wolf speaks at the U. of Washington
I don't know about you, but I am getting really sick of watching the Democrats roll over for Bush. It is almost one year after we elected them to end the war, and we have more troops in Iraq then ever. They passed the Kyl-Lieberman crap and have approved all the funding for the war that Bush has asked for. Nancy Pelosi even asked Rep. Stark to apologize to Bush for being too hard on him. Why are they doing this???? I don't know - but I do know we better be contacting Rep. Costello, Sen. Durbin and Sen. Obama to let the know we are concerned. In addition to watching this video on the "youtubes", you may want to pick up Naomi Klein's book - Shock Doctrine. Consider it a "Naomi" 3some.... :-)
Posted by
7:54 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Mike Papantonio on Young Republicans
This will get you rolling on the floor laughing....
Posted by
9:33 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Belleville Dem's Fall Schedule
Check out the updated schedule of events for this fall at the Belleville Democratic Club web site!
Posted by
2:31 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Highlights From the Week
- Senate Republican's filibuster a bill with a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, but the Senate approves a condemnation of's ad
- Senate Republican's filibuster a bill to give troops a state side tour as long as their tour in Iraq
- House passes a bill for health care for children, Shimkus votes against it, Bush vows to veto it (Shimkus apparently loves a 4 cell zygote more then a sick 4 year old)
- Senate passes a bill that designates Iran's military a terrorist organization, Hillary votes for it, hell Durbin votes for it just hours after going on a rant against about how bad it is... (God help us all when WWIII breaks out after Cheney attacks Iran)
- House passes a bill condemning's ad that pointed out Petraeus is being used as a political tool to read the White House "report" on how well the surge is going... - Jerry Costello votes for it.... (WTF?!?!?!?!)
Jerry, Dick - you got some splainin to do.....
Posted by
9:25 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Democrat Senators Who Voted To Condemn MoveOn.Org
What the hell are these tools thinking?? Swift boat John Kerry - no problem. Morph Max Cleland's picture into Osama Bin Laden - sure. Point out some facts about the bullshit some political tool of a General is vomiting up on Capitol Hill? That is over the line!
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)[***]
Casey (D-PA)[***]
Conrad (D-ND)[***]
Dorgan (D-ND)
Feinstein (D-CA)[***]
Johnson (D-SD)[*]
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)[*] [**] [***]
Leahy (D-VT)
Lincoln (D-AR)[***]
McCaskill (D-MO)[***]
Mikulski (D-MD)[***]
Nelson (D-FL)[***]
Nelson (D-NE)[***]
Pryor (D-AR)[***]
Salazar (D-CO)[***]
Tester (D-MT)
Webb (D-VA)[***]
[*] Also voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with manufacturers.
[**] Did not support Senator Feingold's bill to censure Bush for lying.
[***] Voted YES to allow revision of the FISA law, expanding wiretapping authority.
Posted by
9:15 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Brendan Kelly to Step in as Circuit Clerk
Congratulations to Brendan Kelly on being named to be the new Circuit Clerk. And best wishes to Barney Metz for all of his service!
Posted by
8:52 AM
Iraqi's bury more anonymous victims than during Saddam's rule
This is something to be ashamed of:
Volunteers collect Baghdad's nameless dead
Posted by
8:46 AM
Apparently Glen McCoy Comes From a Whole Family of Right Wing Tools
Apparently Glenn's brother - Gary, is also a right wing tool and he says he is just too old to go serve in Iraq. He had a letter in the paper on Sept. 15th. The BND never did post the letters that day on the web site - not sure why. He does his part by writing inspirational editorials just like his brother Glenn. My question is: I wonder why he doesn't get a job with Haliburton? Or better yet - he could go over and work for the Lincoln Group and write government propaganda. He and Glenn have a lot of practice.
Posted by
8:34 AM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Bridges Falling Apart??
I don't know about you - but my taxes are going up. Our local infrastructure is falling apart and Glenn is complaining about it. You think it may have something to do with us spending all our money in Iraq?? I think that is costing $12 billion a month.... Guess their bridges are more important - Glenn??
Posted by
8:54 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Get Ready for War Number 3!!
In case you did not hear - Bush basically declared war on Iran yesterday... More info below:
Study: US preparing 'massive' military attack against Iran
Bush Ramps Up Iran Rhetoric, Warns of “Nuclear Holocaust”
God help us....
Posted by
6:30 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
GoLeft TV
I ran across this web site that has a fairly good daily news video.
Posted by
6:09 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
McCoy is Morally Bankrupt
The surge is bringing results?? McCoy must be insane if he actually believes that.... The only results I have seen is this:
I guess McCoy thinks this is positive results from the surge too:
Toll in Iraq Bombings Is Raised to More Than 500
No McCoy - Democrats do not pray for the defeat of our troops - we pray that they come home alive, even though your Republican policies affect that a lot more then our prayers....
Posted by
4:56 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Gen. Fast An Embarrassment to Belleville East
After reading the article about Gen. Fast in the Belleville News Democrat:
Belleville East Grad Denies Approving Torture in Iraq
I was deeply embarrassed to have graduated from the same high school. Anyone who has read the Taguba report or any other of the reports that document the mountain of evidence that shows our military was torturing people at Abu Graib knows that Gen. Fast is lying. Of course, the BND is more then willing to do this fluff piece on Gen. Fast so that she can publicly pander to the Bush administration. I wonder how she got on the "fast" track to such a high position?? Incidentally, I have met Gen. Fast. In fact, she gave me one of her "one star coins" while she was the J2 at NSA. Up until her role in the Abu Ghraib cover up I had a lot of respect for her. Not any more - I think I will mail her coin back...
Posted by
9:47 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Truman Picnic Today!
Don't forget about the Truman picnic today! It is at Hough Park from 12-4.
Posted by
8:30 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
BND Editorials Just Keep Getting Worse
I guess some people just can not even read.....
Plame was ‘covert’ agent at time of name leak
By Joel Seidman
NBC News
Updated: 4:24 p.m. ET May 29, 2007
WASHINGTON - An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, indicates that Plame was "covert" when her name became public in July 2003.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Name the Crimes?? Give Me a Break!
Another stupid letter in the Belleville paper:
Name the crimes
The clamoring for the impeachment of George Bush has gone from sublime to ridiculous. Disagreement with the president's position or policy is not cause for impeachment. That is what elections are for.
Do any of these folks know what impeachment means? To impeach is to indict, meaning to bring charges against. An indictment means there is strong evidence a crime has been committed.
According to the Constitution, the president can be impeached when evidence exists of "high crimes and misdemeanors." Can anyone name the crime for which he wants Bush impeached? Does he have any evidence? If so, please forward it to Dick "Turbin" Durbin, Harry "Pinky" Reid or Nancy Pelosi post haste. I am sure they would love nothing more than to bring down the current administration.
It appears, when they have no plan to improve a situation, the best we can expect out of Congress is to act like a bunch of kids on a playground, name-calling and finger-pointing. No wonder Congress' approval rating is lower than Bush's.
And just what list was the letter writer referring to that we should pick a crime to jail Dick Cheney for? Next time, can he include that list in his letter? I am sure we would all be fascinated to read it.
Steven D. Crossley
Here is a list - in case you wanted to keep track:
Conyer's Paper on Bush's crimes
Posted by
5:07 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
What the F***??
House Approves Foreign Wiretap Bill
WASHINGTON — The House handed President Bush a victory Saturday, voting to expand the government's abilities to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects whose communications pass through the United States.
Posted by
6:51 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Glenn McCoy Proves He is a Tool Once Again!
I thinks John Edwards 30 second Youtube clip says it all....
Posted by
1:01 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
On Bush's Colonoscopy
I saw this quote over on Americablog and about blew coffee out of my nose:
"I am a bit disconcerted that GWB is being sedated for his colonoscopy. One would wish that he'd be awake for that; perhaps then it would give him a sense of empathy for what he has been doing to us for the past 7 years."
Posted by
10:06 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
In the last few months George Bush has signed executive orders that are trampling on the constitution. He can now bankrupt anyone that opposes the war in Iraq. He has signed an executive order that says that if there is anything that happens that he deems as an emergency, he can become the dictator. He has commuted the sentence of I. Lewis Libby after being convicted of lying to the FBI. Please call Congressman Jerry Costello at (202) 225-5661 or (618) 233-8026 and ask him to co-sponsor H.R. 333 to Impeach Dick Cheney - then make Bush next.
Posted by
6:08 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yet Another Stupid Letter
This one is a real piece of work. It seems like the right wing nut jobs are coming out of the woodworks with stupid letters. I guess he does not realize that we actually voted for oversight in 2006, and this is exactly what we wanted to see. I also find it fascinating that the right wingers bring up Marc Rich as a reason to validate Bush letting Libby off the hook. As if being convicted of lying to cover up how they lied us into a war that cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars is somehow equivalent to what Marc Rich did (tax evasion). The most biting irony is that Rich's lawyer was actually Scooter Libby.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
John Shimkus on Democracy
From the Springfield IL. paper:
U.S. Rep. John Shimkus said Monday that while he is “a democracy guy,” he’s not sure Iraq is ready for American-style government.
“In some of these countries where they are having some Islamic presence, is it better to have a constitutional monarchy, with a very strong, powerful king, and maybe a dictator who is trying to move a little bit to democratic principles, versus just throwing the door open and pushing full-blown democratic principles, which could destabilize the country?” Shimkus said during a discussion with the editorial board of The State Journal-Register.
How can the people in Southern Illinois keep voting for this tool?? He might as well just openly run as a supporter of tyrannical despots... Something tells me the hicks in rural areas would still vote for him as long as he protected the rights of a glob of cells in a petri dish. I am sure all of our soldiers are glad to know they are fighting to get "a strong, powerful king" installed in Iraq. Preferably one that used to work for the CIA, I am sure.
Posted by
7:11 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
A Little Closer to Chimpeachment
GOP Defections on Iraq: Who's Next?
Posted by
10:43 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Pardon Libby??
“If there’s a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is . . . If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of.”
-George W. Bush Sept. 30, 2003
Time to call Senator Obama and let him know - impeachment is not off the table... (202) 224-2854
Posted by
6:12 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
High School Kids Urge President not to Torture
How appalling. We have to send our kids to Washington to correct the President.
"President Bush was presented with a letter Monday signed by 50 high school seniors in the Presidential Scholars program urging a halt to "violations of the human rights" of terror suspects held by the United States."
Maybe we can find a way to put them in Congress...
Link from Huffington Post
Posted by
5:41 AM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A Little Belleville Nostalgia
A Little Belleville Nostalgia - This is the old Belleville Square, courtesy of Tom Mannino over at Kaskaskia Engineering Group.
Posted by
12:35 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Kucinich for President 2008 Event
The grass roots Gateway Dennis Kucinich for President 2008 folks request the pleasure of your presence at the brunch fund-raiser with the Candidate's wife Elizabeth Kucinich on Sunday the twenty-fourth of June two thousand seven at nine o'clock in the morning on the patio MoKaBe's 3606 Arsenal (near Arsenal & Grand) St. Louis, Missouri 63116 314-865-2009 (for directions)
Attire is laid back
Any donation to support the messages of Peace Civil Rights Regardless of Gender identity Health Care for All and so much more is gladly accepted at 877-413-3664 877-41-DENNIS or 24/7 on the web via:
Your financial Support is vitally important to get the message out please consider the importance to Contribute Extravagantly
Mrs. Kucinich will be in the Parade following brunch and will speak from the Main Stage after the Parade at approximately 3 PM and will hold a book signing at the Left Banks Books booth of her husband's book A Prayer for America after her speech
Posted by
4:05 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Nice Quote
"Giuliani has been married more
times than Romney’s been hunting."
-- Harry Reid
Posted by
8:44 PM
George of the Bungle??
You know things are bad when Glenn McCoy turns on the Shrub. So now he his ready to throw him under the bus. While it is great to see that McCoy may be starting to see the light, I suspect he is primarily just following the rest of the wing nut sheep that are pissed that the immigration bill may have some chance of a Mexican getting amnesty. This is the only thing that can drive apart the right wing in this country. Their bigoted, racist hatred conflicting with Bush's corporate buddies and their desire for cheap labor.
Posted by
6:01 AM
Friday, June 08, 2007
B ush on the Sauce Again??
And we think he is bad sober.... I guess this is why he called in sick at the G8.
Posted by
6:26 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Bird Craps on Bush
A bird crapped on Bush yesterday at a press conference. Must be pay back for the "Clear Skies Initiative".
Read more here.
Posted by
12:10 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Dems Cave in on Iraq Funding
Why is it that the Dems have the majority now and all of the sudden it takes 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything?? They did not filibuster anything (not even getting rid of Habeas Corpus) when they were the minority, now the Republicans are making sure nothing gets passed unless it is a giant compromise.
Dems, GOP see win in Iraq funding bill
I say they should have just kept sending him bills that had a withdrawl date and let him explain why the troops ran out of money... If nothing else, we would at least get Halliburton to withdraw - money is all they care about...
Posted by
7:04 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
One of The Stupidest Letters Ever
This delight of a letter was in Today's Belleville News "Republican". Yes - those damn tax and spend Democrats... That is what is destroying our country... The "borrow and spend even more" Republicans are doing so much better. Someone please go check the houses in Swansea for lead paint...
Posted by
8:28 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
We Needed a "War Czar"?
Apparently we do.... I thought that responsibility went with the "decider"??
Posted by
6:59 AM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Belleville Makes News on the Stephanie Miller Show
Stephanie Miller (daughter of Republican Barry Goldwater's VP running mate in 1964) has a nationally syndicated liberal talk radio show which is not on in the St. Louis area. It can be streamed on the Internet from her web site. It is absolutely hilarious. I got a podcast subscription for about $59 for a year and can download the show and listen to it whenever I am at the gym or mowing the lawn or whatever. I posted a sample from today here. Anyway, the other day they had a news item about an incident in Belleville. My sister sent me the link.
Posted by
7:41 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
More Proof Shimkus is a Moron
From the Huffington Post:
"Rep. John Shimkus just took to the floor with one of the most ridiculous analogies,
comparing the war in Iraq to a baseball game."
In addressing the house, he actually said:
“Imagine my beloved St. Louis Cardinals are playing the much despised Chicago Cubs.”
To help describe the Iraq war.... Someone please go wake the people in Madison and Clinton County....
You can see the video here.
Posted by
8:14 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Just in Case your Were Not Sure if John Shimkus was a Moron
Rep. John Shimkus wrote letter to the Belleville News "Republican" complaining about our tax burden on "Tax Freedom Day". It was the most insincere drivel I have ever seen in print. John "rubber stamp anything George Bush wants" Shimkus complaining about paying too much tax? Do you think maybe taxes are related to how much the Government spends, John? He voted for every single thing Bush has proposed including the biggest deficits in the history of our nation. We are spending $10 billion dollars a month on a war in Iraq, which Shimkus strongly supports, yet he does not want to pay more taxes. We have never, ever had a tax cut in a time of war, except by this bunch of corrupt Republicans, and he has the gall to complain about taxes. When are the people of Madison County and Southern Illinois going to wake up and vote this jack ass out of a job?
Note: This rant was also provided to the letters to the editor pageof our own Belleville News "Republican", where I am sure it will be promptly deleted or ignored in favor of the incoherent ramblings of some right wing nut job.
Posted by
7:16 AM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Bush: "Polls just go poof"
I think his handlers need to keep him away from recording devices.... What a national embarassment.
Posted by
10:12 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign Workshop
On April 25 @ 7:00 PM Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign will have a meeting at the Collinsville IBEW Hall (Mall Street and Rt. 157). The purpose of the meeting is for the campaign to provide an update about the significant progress Senator Obama's campaign has made to date, what our plans for the future are and how Illinois supporters can help Senator Obama secure the Democratic nomination!
If you have ever expressed an interest in supporting Senator Obama's campaign you'll want to attend this meeting and find out how you can be a part of Team Obama! (don't worry this isn't a fundraiser)
If you have questions about the meeting please direct them to Ms. Anita Decker, Senator Obama's 08 Downstate Illinois Director, @ Please respond to either Anita or Robert Stephan ( if you plan to attend.
See you on the 25th!!!
Anita Decker
Illinois Downstate Director
Obama for America
Posted by
8:14 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Stupid Letter of the Week
This letter from our world renowned Belleville News "Republican" is so stupid on so many levels, I do not even know where to begin.... I think he is comparing these wars to the one in Iraq. I guess the biggest difference is that the ones he is talking about were almost all shorter and were on AMERICAN SOIL!
Posted by
6:06 AM
Hussein's Prewar Ties To Al-Qaeda Discounted
From the Washington Post:
Captured Iraqi documents and intelligence interrogations of Saddam Hussein and two former aides "all confirmed" that Hussein's regime was not directly cooperating with al-Qaeda before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, according to a declassified Defense Department report released yesterday.
The interesting part is this:
The report's release came on the same day that Vice President Cheney, appearing on Rush Limbaugh's radio program, repeated his allegation that al-Qaeda was operating inside Iraq "before we ever launched" the war
Posted by
5:58 AM
Monday, April 02, 2007
Bush won't throw out first pitch
How about this - apparently Bush decided not to throw out the first pitch on opening day this year:
Bush won't throw out first pitch
Apparently, it was because he did not want to get "boo'ed":
"The White House announced President Bush will not throw out the first pitch on Opening Day due to fears of booing. He's not the first president to worry about being hit by flying vegetables. The tomatoes used to throw themselves at Bill Clinton."
In other news - Alberto Gonzales was at Yankee stadium today - to throw out the first amendment (ha ha).
Posted by
8:31 PM
Former Belleville police chief lands at St. Louis Zoo
In case you missed this over the weekend:
Former Belleville police chief lands at St. Louis Zoo
Posted by
7:55 PM
Friday, March 30, 2007
Dailey Show on Iran Hostages
I saw this over on Crooks and Liars - too funny:
Daily Show: Iranian Hostage Crisis
Posted by
9:03 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
Stupid Sound Off for the Week
After I read this, I was not sure what to think.... These right wing nut jobs have gone off the deep end when they start blaming kids for being a victim.... This is just awful...
Posted by
8:13 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Yet Another Stupid Letter
Just when you think you have seen it all, Tom McBroom surprises us all with a new low in stupid letters. he even managed to call some Repubilican congressmen "pantywaists" for not being more pro-war.
Posted by
5:25 PM
McCoy on Global Warming
I wonder what it will take to for right wing nut jobs like Glen McCoy to wake up and smell the coffee about global warming. What is worse is that he gets a forum to share his drivel with thousands of knuckle dragging morons that are perfectly happy to believe his mindless cartoons and completely ignore the obvious.
Posted by
5:19 PM